Thursday, November 28, 2019

QUANTUM ENTANGLEMENT - faster than light?

-   2501  -  QUANTUM  ENTANGLEMENT  -  faster than light?  Quantum Mechanics is the math that defines entanglement in which a pair of entangled particles somehow communicate over large distances instantaneously, faster than the speed of light.
-------------------- 2501  -  QUANTUM  ENTANGLEMENT  -  faster than light?
-  Strange things happen at the atomic level.  “Quantum Mechanics” is the mathematics that is used to define atomic reality.  Just as “Relativity” is the mathematics used to define cosmic reality.  Relativity defines the velocity of light as a constant and a limit.  Nothing can travel faster than the speed of light.
-  However, in Quantum Mechanics the math defines entanglement in which a pair of entangled particles somehow communicate over large distances instantaneously, faster than the speed of light. 
- This is instant action at a distance.  It is called non-locality.  Experiments using entangled states of light appear to verify that action-at-a-distance actually works.
-  At the atomic level there are over 60 fundamental particles.  There are likely more to be discovered.  And, there are likely some that are not fundamental.  They will be found to be made up of even more fundamental particles.
-   Protons and neutrons were thought to be fundamental particles in the nucleus of every atom.  We later discovered that they were made up of more fundamental particles quarks and gluons.  Fundamental particles behave according to Quantum Mechanics and entanglement is one of those behaviors.
-  Two electrons can exist in the ground level energy of an atom only if they are not in the same energy state.  This is called the “Exclusion Principle“.  The two electrons occupy the energy level because one has spin-up and the other has spin-down. Each electron has a different state; they can not be the same.
-  If the two electrons are entangled they will maintain this condition regardless of how they are separated in space.  If one changes the other changes instantaneous.  Spooky action at a distance that we can not explain.  It appears to be a form of quantum teleportation.  We call it “entanglement“.
-  This is not the first time science has dealt with action at a distance.  We define reality by our knowledge of what it is.  Our intuition changes as our knowledge changes.
------------  1687  -  Isaac Newton was dealing with action at a distance when we the equations for the force of gravity.  Somehow two masses appeared to communicate with each other to create the attractive force between them.  At the time the communications seemed to be instantaneous.
-----------  1785  -   Charles Coulomb introduced nearly the same equations as Newton’s only for the electrostatic force.  Somehow electric charges created instant action at a distance and created an attractive or repulsive force between them, depending on the sign of the charges.
-----------  1831  -  Michael Faraday introduced nearly the same equations again for the magnetic force.  He introduced the medium between the magnetic poles to be electric and magnetic fields.  At the time these fields were considered as mathematical tools not as real physical things.
-----------   1849  -  The speed of light was measured to be 186,000 miles per second.  Light was not instantaneous.  It had a finite speed.  However, at the time no one knew what light really was.
----------   1865  -  James Clerk Maxwell introduced four equations that defined electromagnetic fields.  He concluded was a wave of electromagnetic energy.   And, all electromagnetic energy traveled at the speed of light, an no faster.
---------  1905  -  Albert Einstein introduced the principle of Relativity where the speed of light was a constant regardless of the relative speed of the observer.  Two observers in relative motion could not see the same event simultaneously.  Communications could only occur at the speed of light and no faster.
----------  1915  -  Albert Einstein introduced the idea that gravity was not a force acting at a distance but rather the result of the curvature of space and time created by a mass.  Gravity waves travel out through space-time at the same speed as electromagnetic waves.  Gravity is not instantaneous.  It travels to us at the speed of light.
----------  1935  -  Quantum Mechanics non-locality and reality are defined differently and they do not agree, nor do they agree with Relativity.  Some say Quantum Mechanics is missing something.  Others say we are missing something about reality.
-  Einstein and Boris Podolsky and Nathan Rosen publish ‘ Can quantum-entanglement description of physical reality be considered complete?  Their answer, “No”.
-  Erwin Schrodinger explains entanglement with his thought experiment of a cat in a box being in a state of being both alive and dead.
-  Louis de Broglie  claims a deterministic theory that hidden variables of a particles position determine its future evolution.
----------  1964  -  John S. Bell introduces a theory than no “local” theory can possible reproduce all the quantum mechanic predictions.  Therefore, “non-locality” must exist.
----------  1972  -  Bell’s theory is tested using the polarization of a pair of photons.
----------  1981 to the present  -  Experiments using entangled states of light verify that prediction of quantum mechanics with non-locality actually works.
---------- 1982  -  Alain Aspect performs experiment confirming no locality effects do exist.
----------  1984  -  Quantum cryptography proposes using photons in a superposition of states to create a secure key.
---------- 1990  -  The first experiment of the quantum key demonstrated.
-----------  1993  -  Entanglement proposed to teleport particle entanglement information from one place to another.
------------ 1997  -  Anton Zellinger’s experiments verify quantum teleportation. 
------------  2007  -  Entangled photons are sent over a distance of 144 kilometers between two Canary Islands.
-----------  2010  -  New kinds of entanglement observed linking multiple quantum information teleported over 16 kilometers .
----------  2019  -  Quantum Entanglement?  We still can’t explain it………………….   
-  People in relative motion disagree about time and space.  Both look different to each observer.  It is impossible for them to see the same distant event as simultaneous.  Each will see the one event as occurring at different times.  This is Relativity. 
-  Entanglement seems to defy this reality.  It appears to be simultaneous action at a distance.
-   Reality keeps moving past the border of our knowledge, past the edge of our brain. 
-  Once the brain is stretched by a new idea it never returns to its original shape.  Mine is all out of shape!
-  November 28, 2019                                                         2501     1039                                                                                                                   
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 ---------------------          Thursday, November 28, 2019    --------------------

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